
Blog Archive

Monday, June 15, 2009

My 2 year Nappiversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I almost forgot!! I finally hit the two year mark. It has been 2 years since I bc'ed, but about 3 and 1/2 years since my last perm!! How cool is THAT??


svrbrownsuga said...

Congrats!!! Natural Beauty :D

Audrey...Miss Moon's Musings said...

Congrats!! Hooray!! That is indeed very very cool!! I love your hair.. I in fact shouted you out in a new blog about the infamous Tyra episode.. I call you my hair idol! :)

Lady Q said...

that is amazing. congrats!

Luvbenet-- said...

Thank you, ladies!!! I would have been LOST if it weren't natural websites,blogs and the support I received from other transitioning sistas on Fotki!!!! Sometimes I still can't believe I actually went natural, because it was something I wanted to do since the first time I RELAXED my hair. LOL

Luvbenet-- said...

@ Miss Moon... hey, thank you!!! :) I want to check this blog out!

Audrey...Miss Moon's Musings said...

I'd be honored! My site is:

Again, Happy Anniversary!! :)

ChocolateOrchid said...

Congratulations Lady!!
You work that fly & fabulous hair!!

Tina Beanie said...

Yay! It looks awesome, too! I'm glad I'm well on my away to a fantastic head of natural curlz, as well! Just passed my 1 year perm free!

~~ said...

After really researching myself about the foods and what is in it and how difficult it is to buy healthy foods in your average supermarket I was just beside myself! It's so bad. So I try to buy organic when I can. No can foods or processed items when I can help it. They are trying to kill us for sure just to make a buck!

Thanks for the article

Miss GTS said...


OMB said...
