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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Hair Today.....


OMG! I love my hair today. I'm telling you.... this dry twistout is THE TRUTH!!! LOL Wow.. my hair is sooo much fuller. Who knew hair could look better 5 days after a fresh, wet twistout?? I love big hair... so I am really happy today!
I feel like a fool for doing my wet twistouts so frequently when all I had to do to revive it was dry twist it at night. Well, you live and learn, I guess. Hopefully, this will help some of you. :)


Miss GTS said...

ooh your hair is gorgeous! this natural hair journey is so interesting, you find out new things about your hair everyday!

ChocolateOrchid said...

Ditto over here.
I'm on my 4th day. And it's looker better and better each day. I somewhat miss wetting my hair like I used to. Not to the point where I'll rewet it though.
After I wash/dc this weekend, I think I'll do bigger twist (like yours) and see how it comes out.
Btw, your hair is always beautiful.

bacalove said...

Do you use a product to dry twist?

Luvbenet-- said...

Hi Bacalove!!!!!! I usually just put shea butter on the ends if my hair is feeling dry. I think it's more controlled when I do.