
Blog Archive

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hey Coily Girls! I'm soooo late in posting this! My BF and I stumbled upon this natural hair exhibit when we were at the library one day. We were pleasantly surprised to find it, but sadly, NOT SO surprised at how many black people were walking past it and not even acknowledging it or stopping to check it out!

The exhibit was basically a celebration of natural hair, and how the perception of it has changed over time. I hope you enjoy my pics!!

Comparing MY puff to HERS! LOL

I liked this Bantu Knots statue.

My boyfriend is a big advocate of natural hair!!! LOL He has ALWAYS wanted me to go natural. He just cut his locs last year.

According to the passage underneath the older pic, if a woman wore her hair like "this" long ago, she was considered to be in "distress,sick, or sad." LOL WHAAAAAT??????? The pics are to show how it has become acceptable and fashionable for a black woman to wear their afros wild and free and how times have changed.

1 comment:

ChocolateOrchid said...

Wow! I hope to see an exhibit like this here. How cool and interesting.