
Blog Archive

Monday, May 18, 2009

Time for a trim!

I have not had a trim since May 2008, and it is TIME! I read on "Tightly Curly's" blog how she doesn't trim her hair, or waits a looong time to do it. I wanted to see if I could go a year. I'm trying to get my length back, so I thought this might help. My ends are starting to knot, so now I know I can't go any longer! LOL

Anyway, I am going to try a different salon this time. It's a natural hair spot called "Brownstone". I had been going to the same stylist who did my hair when it was relaxed. Now I think it's time to go to someone who knows about natural hair. I plan to get a color and a nice trim, possibly a layered cut. I want BODY! I will post my pics!


Leonard said...

cool hair:)


ChocolateOrchid said...

Ooh, can't wait to see! My last trim was a year ago, also. (I also read that info. from Tightly Curly's blog). Since May '08, I've "dusted" my ends once.

I must admit, I would like a shaped cut but I'm trying to attain some more length just in case the person cutting is scissor-happy. I've pushed my trim to August. I admit... I'm chicken.

Wish you the best on your color and trim or cut.

Luvbenet-- said...

@huevoscocodrilo Thank you! I appreciate that!! :)

Luvbenet-- said...

@chocolateorchid I agree w/ you about the scissor-happy stylists... that's one reason I'm reluctant to switch. My old stylist knows me, and she would NEVER cut too much.

I think I'll make my appointment tomorrow. My ends are HORRIBLE!! LOL

Thx for the well wishes!