
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Meet Coily Girl "Fsmith723"!!!! She's Newly Natural and LOVIN' IT!!!

CW: Why did you decide to go natural?

Really, I've never liked getting relaxers..the whole sitting in the chair for an hour getting your hair permed. Too much for me. So when I learned about transitioning I was all over it!

CW: What are the best and worst things about having natural hair?

I think the versatility of natural hair is one of the best things about it. Also the look and feel of it when it's well taken care of.

The worst...maybe pixie knots, but that's about it!!

CW: Do you straighten your hair? What precautionary measures do you take?

As of right now, I don't currently straighten my hair.

CW: Your current products/ routine:

I don't really have a set routine...I wash my hair once a week usually with suave smoothers 2 n 1, I condition with one of my many conditioners, then I use a leave-in and styler. I'm a bit of a product junkie, so I'm always trying something new.

CW: Do you have any color in your hair? If so, what kind?

No color.

CW: Your hair type:

I think I'm a 3c/4a.

CW: Has reaction from family/friends/opposite sex been positive or negative?

Mostly positive...I've had a few members of the opposite sex tell me they prefer my hair straight, but that's about it.

CW: Favorite hair accessories:

Goody ouchless bands and bobby pins. I'm also itching to try a Hairzing!

CW: Your hair length goal:

I'm not sure where I would like to be unstretched, but my stretched goal is waist length.

CW: Your hair idols:

I can't really say because I have so many! There have been so many wonderful ladies with beautiful hair supporting me since before my BC so I would have to say they are my hair idols.

CW: Advice to transitioners:

Make sure you have a solid support system, whether it be online at one of the various hair boards or in your real life. Transitioning is mental and physical and you will go through some changes and really have to take a look at yourself for who you are. Make sure to have fun during your transition, it doesn't have to be all serious!

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